When Horses Steal the Show


4 Times Horses Stole the Show on Wedding Day

We don’t know about you, but we think horses make everything better. Including a wedding day!

Below we have 4 pictures of weddings that included horses as a wedding guest. And it had us grinning from ear to ear every time.

One: When the brides best friend was her horse and it was magical.

Pic credit: Ellie Richardson Photography

Pic credit: Ellie Richardson Photography

Two: This horse was really big into giving hugs in the middle of photos and trying to eat the bride’s flowers

Pic credit: Kendall Hulbert Photography

Pic credit: Kendall Hulbert Photography

Three: This horse just wanted to say congratulations after the ceremony

Pic credit: Imagine It Photography

Pic credit: Imagine It Photography

Four: Just taking a stroll with a horse.

Pic credit: Ellie Richardson Photography

Pic credit: Ellie Richardson Photography

And just for fun, here is a picture of me (Isabelle Russell) trying to guard the bride’s bouquet from the hungry and curious horses
